Can you imagine a world where everybody is equal? Discrimination is the result of fear, the different is unknown and represents a threat to the trembler and inexperienced. The individual who values the differences gain in all aspects - in the difference universe the possibilities of choices and exchanges are unlimited. Everyone loses with discrimination: the person who is discriminated loses for not being accepted and the person who discriminates loses the opportunity of enriching himself with the other´s contribution.

Friday 5 November 2010

Prayer from a Special Mother

"For God to present the Earth with a special child He first prepares an illuminated womb... 
Then He chooses a woman strong enough to know how to deal with this blessing ... 
Then teaches that woman the Unconditional Love! 
Therefor blessed is the womb that generates a special child 
and you are blessed among a thousand women,as well as one day Mary was the mother of the most special of all children who inhabited this world, so ungenerous, so unable to accept differences. 
I will always be aware that I received a privilege from God and was never punished... 
I received a child who is capable of loving more than any other that is thought to be normal, and  if loving without limits is a disability, then we shall all have disabilities!! 
Thank my God for choosing me!" (free translation)

(Unknown Author )

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